Tag Archives: gilscott-heron

Book Review: Letters To Gil by Malik Al Nasir

Gil Scott-Heron’s work could hardly be more relevant as we move into 2022. The singer, songwriter, musician, novelist, poet and activist, who died in 2011, was arguably one of the most influential recording artists to emerge since the 1960s. Malik Al Nasir, the poet, musician and activist formerly known as Mark Watson, has quite a […]

Book Review: Gil Scott-Heron’s The Last Holiday

‘I admit that I never had given much thought As to how much of a battle would have to be fought To get most Americans to agree and then say That there actually should be a Black holiday…’ The death of Gil Scott-Heron in May 2011 silenced one of the most potent social commentators of […]

Gil Scott-Heron 1949-2011

Once heard, the voice of Gil Scott-Heron was never forgotten. His rich baritone could break your heart with its tenderness on ‘Your Daddy Loves You’ or ‘Did You Hear What They Said’ or seduce with power and passion on ‘Lady Day and John Coltrane’ or ‘When You Are Who You Are’. His words also had huge range, […]